The Digital Fairness Act

Analysis and news on the EU Digital Fairness Act




What is the EU Digital Fairness Act?

The Digital Fairness Act is an upcoming EU legislative proposal which will regulate Dark Patterns, Influencer Marketing, Addictive Design, and digital contracts.

It has not been tabled yet but is expected to be presented by Michael McGrath, Commissioner for Democracy, Justice and Rule of Law.

The EU Commission acknowledged the need for a Digital Fairness Act in their Digital Fairness Fitness Check Report. The European Parliament called for the need for additional consumer protections regarding addictive design on digital platforms in their Resolution on Addictive Design.

Who Are We?

Welcome to, your go-to hub for all things related to the Digital Fairness Act. Our mission is to provide clear information to help journalists, academics, policymakers, and interested citizens understand this important upcoming legislation. Independently maintained by James Tamim and the European Digital Policy Institute, we are dedicated to producing and promoting insightful research and news on EU digital policy.